An Oracle Of Kemet: Tarot Of The Noutjeru Designer's Shop Area

Douglas Blake

This shop is for the 78 card deck "An Oracle Of Kemet: Tarot Of The Noutjeru." This deck is structured similarly in manner to most contemporary Tarot decks. It is hoped that it will have a multi-faceted appeal to any that might enjoy it for its aesthetics as well as its esoteric and practical value. The aim in design of this deck has been to use art authentically rendered after the style of what was perhaps the peak of artistic development in Dynastic Egypt (New Kingdom, circa 1549-1069 b.c.e.). It is also intended that both the symbolism applied to the Tarot following European esoteric traditions as well as the potency of Archetypal images (as propounded by the Jungian school of thought) may be strikingly represented with the refinement, elegance and purity of Ancient Egyptian iconography.

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Playing Cards

An Oracle of Kemet: Tarot of the Noutjeru