Haley Games Designer's Shop Area

Haley Games

Creating innovative All-In-One playing cards is the vision for Haley Games. The goal is to design multipurpose decks that use math, symbols and game elements to create decks that can be used for games, game design and divination. My name is Chris Haley and I am the sole designer for these cards. I have played with this vision for cross discipline all-in-one playing cards for many years now and I hope to try the many different approaches and ideas I have for this. For me it's a sensationally fun synthesis of math and symbolism. Finding the correlations between different systems, even cross disciplinary ones, is absolutely fascinating to me. I hope you dig my attempt at doing so and if you choose to support me through purchasing a deck it is greatly appreciated! :) Thank you for reading this, and have a great day!

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Playing Cards

Oracle Fusion Deck V2

Playing Cards

Oracle Fusion Deck V1