Mimi EmmanuelMOSAIC HOUSE stands for Mimi's Original Scripture & Inspiring Card House.
'Unless the Lord builds the house, we labour in vain.'
My faith pulled me through more than once, when I was at death's door. Car accidents, ruptured appendix, septicemia, broken back and plenty more.
At my pity party, my guardian angel showed up and kicked my butt.
'Woman,' 'he said, 'Go help some folk.'
I thought he was joking. All I could see was loss. But I kept looking and found and embraced my faith and my children, without whom I wouldn't be around today. I still have tales to tell and love to give.
Nowadays I spend my bonus time by sharing because my story may 'help some folk.'
You can find my books on Amazon under Mimi Emmanuel.
These inspiring and encouraging Scripture verses from God's Holy Word are what pulled me through and kept me going when all seemed lost.
These verses always put a smile on my face and warm my heart. May they do the same for you.

24 Scripture Cards on God being our Helper (Includes one bonus pack) Medium size

24 Comforting Scripture Verses - includes one BONUS pack (Medium size)

24 Scripture Cards about Prosperity (Includes one bonus pack) Medium size

24 Scripture cards Blessings from Mount Gerizim by Moses (Includes one bonus pack) Medium size

24 Scripture cards about Living Forever (Includes one bonus pack) Medium size

24 Scripture Cards about Praise (Includes one bonus pack) Medium size

24 Scripture verses about Joy (Includes one bonus pack) Medium size

24 Scripture Cards about Love (Includes one bonus pack) Medium size

24 Scripture cards Blessings from the Mount by Jesus (Includes one bonus pack) Medium size

24 Healing Scripture verses (includes one BONUS pack) Medium size

24 Scripture Verses mixed pack the LORD is good (MEDIUM)

24 Scripture Verses about Gods Commandments (includes one BONUS pack) Medium size